Did Buddha or Krishna or Mohammad or John Q Public or Madonna or The Almighty Dollar or Drugs or Sex or Your Very Self-righteous Self ever make any provisions for redemption from sin (your bad Karma)? If none of these influential entities care enough to assist anyone much less everyone on the planet in resolving the negative history of a person toward his (or her) fellow man (and his own self destructive self) than who will?

Jesus will save you from your bad Karma, Sins and you’re self-inflicted problems, your short-sightedness, your poor judgment, even the way you deal with problems that you did not make. HE will even influence the universe to feed and cloth you and your family and give you a place to stay; all in exchange for a little of your time in worship that you would have wasted on false gods of money or power or sex or self-importance, self-delusion and/or drugs.

Sounds more than fare to me so I made the change and I am passing this opportunity on to you. Don’t get me wrong, I believe that Buddha or Krishna or Mohammad were exceptionally good people and had exceptional qualities, but none had the capacity to care enough for humanity to personally take everyone’s sins upon HIMSELF at HIS own expense as JESUS did.

If you think that it is easy just try to carry the burden of sin for somebody else just one other person, or even yourself and you’ll soon see how sin grows with lies, deceit and covering up, there’s just no end to each one. That is why HE (Jesus) deserves our appreciation and we have a responsibility to acknowledge HIS contribution to the quality of our lives and not just our lives but also for the quality of our society and the future of our immortal souls.

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