By accepting the LORD as your redeeming savior you become an adopted son of The Almighty GOD.

Everyone talks about GOD realization but I tell you what you really need is JESUS realization. GOD realization negates the individual to become one with the collective in other words you are no longer you but you are HIM and there is no more you. You will loose yourself in the infinite ocean of HIM and there is no coming back, ever.

However with JESUS realization you retain an augmented individuality to share with all others as a child of GOD a heavenly ever changing reality for all eternity. The price is somewhat steeper but the rewards are of greater significance.

Life is a series of lessons but of what purpose if you are assimilated and loose even your own identity? All the lessons you have learned and all that you will ever know the one thing you will no longer know is you. Your feelings, knowledge, understanding even the very enlightenment itself will all be lost. You can not know if there is no you to know with.

Your life on earth is but a stepping stone to the heavens but the goal has a champion on your own behalf. You have an option to choose a path that leads to a lesser station (necessary to keep from being gobbled up in realization) because no one can stand before GOD and Remain an individual except JESUS CHRIST.

Prophecy: all philosophies will be strung together like pearls on a single strand-

Choose for yourself, GOD realization verses Salvation.

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