Finally A Word Of Caution: Look around, 99% of the problems facing the world today are due to of over population. Yet almost every woman does not feel complete unless she has a baby. It’s like all women are obsessed with having multiple babies! Are you nuts? Want to improve your financial situation, don’t raise more children. Stop having more babies! We have too many now! One per family (or less) should be plenty for the next couple of hundred years or so! Don’t be so emotionally subject to procreation, it’s not your duty to push out another one regardless how much your mother wants to become a grand mother! Is you whole purpose in life is to be just a baby machine?
Aren’t we a bit more educated? Mothers, get Tubal Ligation before your daughters’ 10th birthday or so or before they start menstruation before their lives can be accidentally ruined. Do you know what abortion does to a young girls psyche? Isn’t their enough reasons to prevent getting pregnant? Wake up. This is not a population war. The race with the most people get to take over the earth? Not so, the race with the most intelligent people will rule. It’s quality not quantity that will prevail.
The Bible says be fruitful and multiply, not reproduce to such an extent that we deplete the entire world’s resources, alter the global climate and run out of food and fresh water jeopardizing the survival of everyone. Overpopulation is turning our world into a cesspool of trash and toxic waste. If we fail to slow this procreation train down it will run over us all. If we cripple the planet’s ability to support us we risk our species and many others as well. I repeat: EVERYONE, PLEASE STOP HAVING MORE BABIES! Just stop, please?
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