Our Values
What You Can Gain From a Galactic Christians Association
- To learn to see through this veil of self-serving self-indulgence.
- To learn to perceive the universal finiteness of this existence and the Eternalness of your immortal spirit.
- To learn to prepare for your eternal future (as an eternal spirit) after you are loosed from this mortal coil.
- To spread the Enlighten view of how we should properly conduct ourselves in our day to day walk.
- To learn to distinguish your will from HIS.
- To learn to see that your all good things come from HIM.
- To learn to understand that you are made in HIS image for HIS purpose, not for the world’s but for your own good.
- To realize that Salvation is the Consecration of your life to HIS designs for your benefit.
- To learn to see all life through HIS eyes, so you can appreciate how great HIS creation really is.
In other words, your good by HIS measure, not yours, is what HE wants to give you by HIS measure and HIS gifts are far greater then anyone can imagine.
We believe that JESUS THE CHRIST is the “first born” SON OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD JEHOVAH
We accept that Jews are GODs chosen people and because of their rejection of CHRIST made salvation available to the Gentiles (anyone that isn’t a Jew). This is one of the reasons why the Jews were chosen in the first place. Galactic Christians believes that GOD makes sense, and common sense is a high priority in our path toward greater understanding of JESUS and how HE wants us to live.
If you haven’t been able to live a spiritual life, and it’s not because you haven’t tried, it maybe that the life you are trying to live doesn’t make sense spiritually. JESUS said MY Way is easy. Common sense and spirituality are compatible that’s how Wisdom is proved of her children. Galactic Christians endeavors to diminish the confusion in biblical interpretations that compromise a Christian’s potential. As the light of understanding burns away the dross of confusion.
Galactic Christians strives to reveal the TRUTH to the serious worshiper. Christ said “I am the Way, The Truth and the Life! No man (or woman) commeth unto the Father but by Me!”. Galactic Christians believe in using truth in helping us to see our way clearly to expedite spiritual growth. Galactic Christians believes that tithing is important, however, and more importantly, tithing isn’t limited to money. The word tithing means one tenth but it does not mean one tenth of your income.
What it does mean is one tenth of what you have should be committed to a spiritual endeavor. This includes your time and/or skills or what have you. Common misinterpretation sets this bar at just about money but GOD doesn’t need money what he wants is you not your money, so give your money to the poor but give yourself to GOD.
How We Can Assist Others As We Perfect Our Own Walk
By aspiring to Values and Truths that transcend those of money and power.
By the committing of oneself to the Truth of action and thought.
To learn to accept what is and learn to live with it and learn to use it, praying for and seeking help when we think or even when we don’t think we need it.
We do not condemn speaking in tongues, provided it a legitimate language and that an interpreter, interprets so that every can understand what is being said. Consider if you will Acts 2: 4 through 11 for verification. Mumbling unintelligible sounds as proof of speaking in tongues is not acceptable.
We believe that Heaven and Earth was created in seven days (days meaning that period between dawning (as in new light, or new revelation) and evening (that period of absence of new light). Also since that period came into being before the Earth (See Genesis 1:5) it can be deduced that this period is subjective. A thousand years is as a day and a day as a thousand years.
Galactic Christians propose that we expand our thinking to include those other worlds and spread the ‘Good Word’ throughout the galaxy.
Mission to the Masses
We are creating a mission for all Galactic Christians and anyone else who whishes to do so to make a sign for you to hold or to post to read. “Bless You” in very large letters for all to see where it is possible. You may make it in different languages or different colors or even different styles. You can place appropriate art and make it flashy and even decorate with lights or even in lights.
Galactic Christians would appreciate it if you can also, in smaller letters at the bottom put, “From the Galactic Christians”