I know that it is easy to blame the devil when things do not go as we would like but if you are a Christian the devil has little to do with your life any more. Your trials and challenges are most likely little more than personal limitations and comfort zone preferences.
We are tested daily and if you are endeavoring to walk with HIM, you are very likely unsure of the source of your complaints but the truth is that the source of most of your problems is yourself and JESUS’s challenges are the cure. It is not simple to deal with difficulties and when things get to the breaking point you find yourself faced with a decision, but it is these decisions that result in the path you will take.
Be very careful which direction you take at each and every junction. You will be given an barely acceptable choice and a more difficult but better choice. A wise person will always choose the better choice regardless of its difficulty. You can rest assured that if JESUS gives you these options that HE knows that you are capable of accomplishing the difficult choice and these choices are given you for your own good.
HE may challenge your patience or your humility or your generosity and every time you will be tested to the maximum of your capacity. You can be certain that your love for HIM will be an issue and challenged consistently. Though you may not see it at the time and it may cut deeply into your comfort zone but HE cares for you more than you could ever care for yourself so rest assured that each successful completion will result in a blessing.
So be ever on guard with your daily trials and difficulties and allow HIS choices to guide your destiny, not your own. When HE whispers in your ear, listen very carefully!
Quality means nothing if it can not stand up to scrutiny.