In learning to walk the true Christian way one must cease to see things as options for independent action and allow himself or herself to be the product. However, you do not become the product directly but indirectly. The result of your being used is the product.

Accepting whatever JESUS sets in your path should be your path. HE makes things happen for you much better than you can imagine. Your personal choices are very limited and you draw only on limited previous experience. HE has infinite knowledge to draw on and His point of view is vastly superior to yours. By giving yourself to the challenge you give yourself to HIM.

You choose to accept what HE sets in front of you because you have free choice. HE sets HIS conditions for you and you either accept them or reject them. HIS conditions are of a higher plane and will add greatly to your reserves. You will then become HIS tool.

Think about it being HIS tool. So you so not like the idea of being a tool just remember a good craftsman takes good care of his tools. He keeps them sharp and ready for use and always in good repair. You think of being HIS tool as something that you choose to do and be rewarded because you have done well, but I tell you that being the tool is the reward. The best tools are used often and a craftsman treats his best tools with care and affection.

You must accept things exactly as they are. You must not change one jot or tittle of what happens to you. Let HIM save you if that is what he wishes to do and go with the flow if it isn’t. Let HIM choose for you and accept it as it is. When you can face the world head on and let HIM be your guide, than and only than will you see the majesty of the Almighty. HE is the Reality of it all. Face the world if you can and do not resist in any way. This is true humility and HE will recognize HIS own.

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