by Bruce | May 11, 2018 | New Articles
We are created in HIS image. Many choose to depart from the image and re-form themselves in the image of darkness. In the process of re-forming one’s self in the image of the Creator one must give up all semblances of darkness (or at least all intents of...
by Bruce | May 11, 2018 | New Articles
Did Buddha or Krishna or Mohammad or John Q Public or Madonna or The Almighty Dollar or Drugs or Sex or Your Very Self-righteous Self ever make any provisions for redemption from sin (your bad Karma)? If none of these influential entities care enough to assist anyone...
by Bruce | May 11, 2018 | New Articles
Generations of successive development or selective breeding of a species is called a metamorphosis not mutation. We as a species are the result of a cultivation by a higher being and I call this being GOD. While the process of the development of our bodies may be...
by Bruce | May 11, 2018 | New Articles
In learning to walk the true Christian way one must cease to see things as options for independent action and allow himself or herself to be the product. However, you do not become the product directly but indirectly. The result of your being used is the product....
by Bruce | May 10, 2018 | New Articles
There are all kinds of money. There is the most infamous paper money that is issued by most countries as a medium of exchange. But there are other kinds of money. Money in the broadest sense of the word is a piece of material that represents a significant value which...