by Bruce | May 11, 2018 | New Articles
Why do you think so many men seek the services of prostitutes or have affairs, because their wives don’t know how or don’t take the time to give them satisfaction that they are designed for. Men are sexually compulsive by nature to insure propagation of...
by Bruce | May 11, 2018 | New Articles
Sexual information essential for women with a word of caution; has been moved to a special page due to it’s somewhat graphic wording. Please be advised that it’s language may be objectionable out of context to some readers but it’s content may also...
by Bruce | May 11, 2018 | New Articles
Finally A Word Of Caution: Look around, 99% of the problems facing the world today are due to of over population. Yet almost every woman does not feel complete unless she has a baby. It’s like all women are obsessed with having multiple babies! Are you nuts?...
by Bruce | May 11, 2018 | New Articles
Why does death appear to be such a painful and sad experience so full of regret? It should be a beautiful experience of release in the next step of evolution of the spirit. Many people look at death as the final nail on the tree of misery. The death of the body is not...
by Bruce | May 11, 2018 | New Articles
When I first heard of this I was captivated as an alternative form of religion. I never stopped to think about what it would cost me to achieve this goal. I, like most others thought that this was a way to reach my ultimate potential and enjoy it at the same time. I...