JESUS will and does come to every one of us individually but not collectively and I will explain why this is so.

Every eye will behold HIM including those who have pierced HIM. Not only those who have pierced HIM while HE walked the earth in physical form but also those of you who have pierced HIM in your sinful lives. Those of you who still believe that this only can happen on a group level also believe hat the whole earth at the same instant will collectively experience this at the same time. Because you are waiting for a collective experience you will most likely not to be ready when HE comes for you at your appointed time. You see no man knows the hour when the LORD commeth save GOD HIMSELF but rest assured HE does come and HE will come for you and you and you and also for you but not all of you at the same instant in time but individually for each and every one, one at a time and Personally!

GOD is a personal God is not a groupie; we are the groupies, we think in group patterns and look for group rates. We interpret in groups of sequences and we believe in group salvation but GOD creates and saves on an individual level. Each one of HIS creation is an entire individual and very different from each other. Just as snow flakes seem similar but up close each are very different. It is so personal that no one else will even know what is happening to you.

Some of you will even have this religious experience and forget about it or dismiss it because of it’s overwhelming impact or because you are busy sinning but a few will be aware of it and recognize it when it happens. When I saw HIM sitting on a cloud that rose in the east and set in the west and I was stunned (It still plays a part in my life). Luke 21: 27-28 HE comes like a thief in the night, I have seen it and I was unprepared. He comes when you least expect it, blessed is he who is prepared. I hope this will prepare some of you for what will happen.

Because of this I have elected to pay for my own sins and not to burden HIM with my transgressions by purging myself of sin (if it is possible) and not to use HIM for a spiritual wash rag. I am left to work out the rest of my spiritual life through my own tribulation.

I am a voice crying in the wilderness look up and behold the hour is at hand when the LORD commeth, even now!

Read Luke 21: 17-28. It will be your life that will experience these things but not as a groupie. These things take place within your spirit as well as without. The GOD is a God of spirit and flesh not of earth or wood. These things happen individually and with no undo button. Your bumper sticker should read, Pray or pay!

Be not deceived for GOD is not mocked for what so ever a man soweth that too shall he also reap.


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