
Spiritual Affirmations

I enjoy being a Christian
I think I am a good Christian
I am thankful for all that GOD has done for me
I am so grateful to GOD for HIS goodness
I thank GOD for JESUS
I am thankful that GOD gave me good heartedness
I am thankful that GOD gave me a good mind
I am thankful that GOD gave me a common sense
I am thankful for all that GOD has given me
I thank GOD for my health improvement
I thank GOD for JESUS’s help me with my problems
I am very thankful that Jesus saved me
I enjoy listening to church music
I enjoy Christian music
I enjoy singing Hymns
I believe I can trust JESUS’s advice about spiritual matters
I know that GOD always answers prayers
I know that GOD has sent me help for my problems

Positive Affirmations

I am very thankful for my good life
I feel good about myself
I know that I am loved and I am happy to be alive
I feel good about my mind and my body
I value my friends and my friends value me
Every day I become a little bit better
Every day I become a better me
I resolve to improve a little more every day
I know that I have improved over the years
I am more mature and intelligent than I was last year
I am positive that I will improve my abilities
I know that reading these affirmations help me
I am striving to become the ideal me
If I never encounter a problem than I will never excel
I continuously improve my standards and values
I am so happy it’s like I am coated in sunshine
I am very cheerful as I go about my daily chores
I am basically a happy person
I am getting healthier every day
My health improves every day
I am so healthy I glow
I feel good about myself
I am happy with who I am
I look for ways to improve myself
Self-improvement is a challenge and a goal
I take care of myself
I eat a proper diet
I exercise regularly
I learn something new every day
I like my life
I believe in being positive
I always enjoy helping others

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